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Add images to background of document template

We would like to add our company logo and other images to a document template. However we need the images to be fixed and not move when adding other text in. Currently the images inserted below the header move when text is entered above or beside.
Guest 5 days ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Sickness Reporting

Sickness reporting is not clear. We are having to be really careful when calculating sickness that runs between two months. eg We have to carefull count the days when a sickness runs 28th of a month to 2nd of the next month.
Rosie Hodson 27 days ago in Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

Could you show a medical alert picture, or some sort of flag to indicate that an employee has a medical condition. This needs to be on the front of their main record.

This would make it easier to visually see there is a condition, and would make it easier to do annual checks. If you could also be able to run a report off for all employees with medical conditions, that would be even better.
Maxine Johnston 11 months ago in Employee / Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

Add a 'test' button for Ripples

It would be really useful if there was a 'test' button for ripples. When trying to create ripples and see if they are working in the right way you have to wait a long time for them to run and activate. Also if you are making changes and want to te...
Rosie Hodson 11 months ago in Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

Pulling a query to show documents attached.

When pulling a query on logbook entries, it would be good to be able to have the option to pick whether there is a document attached to the logbook entry or not. Currently at the moment, we have to check every single employee on whether the docume...
Abbie Moorton about 1 month ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Reporting on sickness absence including

We run monthly reports for staff off sick the previous month, but it doesn't pick up staff that have been off sick ongoing - so if their first day off was the month before the 'last month' query, they will not show on the last month report. Please...
Guest about 2 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

absence calculation

in planer, the number of days absent is over 12 past 12 months from todays date, however percentages of days absent is from First of January. giving for example 550% absence! one cant be absent from work more than 100% of the time!! either both ca...
Barbara Czarnocka about 2 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

View daily work patterns

We are looking to build a report that shows the individual hours per day we have some staff that do the same number of hours per week but on a different working pattern to the standard 40 hrs p/week / 8 hrs p/day. We need this for checking the cor...
Guest about 1 month ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Ability to activate ripples on x day of each month

It would be really great to be able to activate a ripple to go on a certain day of the month.
Rosie Hodson 4 months ago in Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

System to calculate Bradford Factor accurately, and not exclude days with other events on the planner

We have to manually check all Bradford Factor scores as People HR will only add in a sickness absence to the Bradford factor score if an employee has not other event on the same day. (i.e. if an employee booked a morning off as sick, was due to wo...
Guest 4 months ago in Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting