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Performance Management

Showing 85

Ability to Add New Employees to Existing Performance Reviews

Currently, once Performance Reviews have been assigned, it seems that new employees cannot be added to the same review cycle. Instead, a new Performance Review must be created for each new hire. It would be beneficial to have the option to add new...
Maria Dooley about 14 hours ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Performance review - Non-Manager reviewer

Currently, the performance tab only works with a users manager. Our firm works differently, where performance reviews are undertaken by a different partner at the firm, not their manager. Can we have a way to specify who should receive these? We c...
Ben Clarke about 13 hours ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Have the ability to have different questions for managers and employees and option for overall scoring to be made by manager only

Ideally the performance reviews could be edited to include a separate set of questions for employees and managers. In particular review cases, such as probation reviews it is not beneficial to have the employee score themselves on whether they hav...
Guest 5 days ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Change the auto log-out timing

People HR seems to automatically log me and others out at annoying/random time intervals. There does not appear to be any rhyme or reason to the time frame that it does this in. For instance, my manager just typed up a lengthy document into the Ne...
Abigail Bowley 10 months ago in Performance Management 3 Open for Voting

Log idea for New Elite + Employee Performance - Company Goals

In the Drop Down for the company goals would you consider a way of changing this to be able to select more than one option. Thanking you in advance.
Guest 15 days ago in Employee / Performance Management 0

Peformance section - Character limit in goals

Is there a way to increase the character limit in the goals section of performance, in the box called descriptions from 512?
Guest 19 days ago in Performance Management 0

Allow more than one performance review to be open at one time for an employee

At end of year there is often a need to perform an end of year review on the current year performance whilst also setting up a new review for the following year and entering new goals / objectives. As you can only have one review open at any one t...
Cara Richardson about 1 month ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Can you PLEASE introduce a delete button for Performance Reviews!!!

Given there is no test site, nor any ability to pilot creating a new Performance Review, the current system does not work where you have to create it and then test it live with someone. And if it's not right, you then can't delete it. I cannot bel...
Clare roberts 9 months ago in Performance Management 2 Closed - Already exists

More obvious section to have goals

On the performance tab, once someone completes a review and closes it off the goals are nowehere else to be found apart from them selecting 'previous' reviews and updating that. Goals are supposed to be live all year round form appraisal to apprai...
Guest about 2 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Category Tags for Goals

It would be very useful to be able to add a category to a goal so when HR is required to run a report on all the sales goals, for example, these can be easily picked out as they are tagged as sales.
Denise Wilson Dobbie 19 days ago in Performance Management 0