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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 1054 of 1054

Add profile pics of employees

PeopleHR used to display employee pics in the organisation charts. However, lately it was removed. Kindly see attached. Please help to rectify this situation so that the employee pictures can be displayed again.
Guest 8 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Plugin Request Schedules - Accessible for Multiple Users

We have Plugin requests created to pull biometric clock ins/outs into People HR that have been request by a certain user. We need these schedules to be accessible to other admins within PeopleHR to manage issues as and when they occur. Currently, ...
Stuart Millington 11 months ago in Integrations 0 Open for Voting

Plugin Request - Successful Email Notification Not Required

We need the ability to switch off email notifications for successful requests that have been created or scheduled within 'Plugins'. Only failed requests are required for investigation otherwise a mailbox can be overrun with unnecessary email notif...
Stuart Millington 11 months ago in Integrations 0 Open for Voting

Add planner to Outlook Calendar

I understand that the Planner can be downloaded into Outlook, however it opens as a new calendar, which does not allow for notifications.
Laura Vincent 8 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Can holiday requests (in authorisations) be linked/only show if other staff in team are off compared to just the actual request being considered?

When a manager goes to the authorisations and it should show if other staff in team are off, it is showing all holidays taken in previous month (not helpful when only really need to see if any clashes on that particular date of request).
Guest 11 months ago in Planner 1 Already Planned

Employee name search function in Authorisations should show all decided holidays not just those entered by the employee

The search function within Authorisations is set to only return decided holidays if the employee has added the holiday into the system themselves. If Admin, Manager, Absence admin adds the holiday in for them it does not appear. When searching for...
Claire Summers over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Auto calculate Performance overview score

Currently, the overview score is not auto calculating the segment scores. For example, if I were to score myself 1 across all segments, I could score myself 5 in the overview which doesn't make sense. The overview should be calculating the questio...
Chris Smith 4 months ago in Performance Management 0

Separate sick and holiday hours from weekly basic hours on detailed timesheet

Separate columns containing sick hours and holiday hours would allow distinction between the different types, and reduce workload when calculating and inputting wages. Overtime and Sunday hours are already separated into their own columns, so some...
Guest 4 months ago in Analytics 0 Open for Voting

Bulk upload for CPD

If we could bulk upload CPD in the same way we do for training, this would save a lot of time. When everyone does a training course for example, I can upload this is one go rather than entering it 100 times manually.
Guest 4 months ago in Admin 0

Locking the Training Logbook to editing which links to the Training Matrix

Make the Training Logbook which is associated with the Training Matrix locked, or at least provide better information around the link between that logbook and the training matrix so people are warned what their action will impact if they try to am...
Claire Harrison 12 months ago in Employee 0