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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 29 of 1197

Multiple questions via Pulse surveys

Please make it possible to ask more than one question via a pulse survey because asking one question is no use to anyone!! Enabling staff to use the mobile app to respond to various questions/surveys will provide key opportunities to management an...
Guest about 1 year ago in Mobile 0 Added to Product Backlog

Mileage rate

it would be helpful , to be able to add our own mileage rate to the expenses tab, instead of having to add it every time we submit expenses.
Guest about 1 year ago in Mobile 0 Open for Voting

Employees to view bradford factor score in the app, not just desktop

Most of our teams only use the app, so we need them to be able to see their bradford factor score and when they've hit a threshold like they do in the desktop version
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee / Mobile 0 Open for Voting

Company Directory Access to admin users on the Mobile App

I would like to suggest having the option of giving company directory access to admin users on the mobile app.
Guest 9 months ago in Mobile 0 Open for Voting

Company Planner For Mobile - Need a more restrictive viewing levels for company planner for employees in teams to TEAM ONLY / Manager optional

We run a production environment that has many staff under one department and manager, however there are several teams within that department that are in small clusters. Those small team clusters should only be able to see events / leave of members...
Jassen Payen 9 months ago in Mobile / Planner 3 Open for Voting

Company directory on Mobile app - restrictions on employee visibility

On PeopleHR web portal there are restrictions on who can see whose profile. Managers can only see their team and employees only themselves. On PeopleHR mobile app these rules do not to apply. Everyone can see everyone in the organisation. This wou...
Laura Feldmane 4 months ago in Mobile 0

Historical News view - extend beyond 30 days limit on the App

This would be very useful as new starters then could view older news information which can be applicable to them. Most our workforce uses PHR App.
Ivana Vilcekova over 1 year ago in Mobile 0 Open for Voting

Managers to be able to create logbooks for their team members via the Mobile App

At the moment you can only add a logbook for yourself on the app. In our firm the logbooks are used to record the outcome and actions from review meetings and the manager completes them on behalf of the employee. It would be much easier for the ma...
Claire Harrison 4 months ago in Mobile 0

Can a text messaging service direct from PH be set up

We had an emergency whereby we needed to contact all staff quickly. We find our staff respond best to text message rather than email. If we had a text messaging service, urgent news notifications could be sent in this way rather than the normal ne...
Guest about 1 year ago in Mobile 0 Open for Voting

Ability to authorise Timesheets weekly on mobile app as can on desktop

On desktop version of PeopleHR, in Authorisations and then in Timesheets, you can authorise timesheets Weekly. You cannot do this on mobile app, but some of our managers only have access to PeopleHR via app but have many employees so this makes th...
Guest over 1 year ago in Mobile 0 Open for Voting