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ATS Message when moving an Internal Applicant to Accepted

I find the messaged displayed when you attempt to move an internal applicant to 'Accepted' unclear and confusing and would like to see this updated (change vacancy to internal only, move internal applicant to accepted, new starter wizard launches,...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Be able to edit and add more fields to the job approvals process

Currently when a hiring manager requests a vacancy, there are only a few boxes for them to write into. We would like a more robust request process whereby the hiring manager is asked specific questions about the role, such as a business justificat...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 1 Open for Voting

Keeping question information when moving/coping candidates across roles

When moving candidates across to various different roles, the information completed in the questions is wiped, however it would be beneficial to keep this information as it includes things like salary expectations and notice periods which are rele...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Can we apply different Scorecard categories without each category being displayed on each scorecard?

We are looking to optimise our PHR ATS and one of our enhancements is better use of the Scorecard and it's categories. We we setup Scorecard Categories, every category seems to appear regardless of the type of scorecard or interview selected (see ...
Kevin Pinel 10 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

ATS Reporting

I have just sent out reject emails to 33 candidates, but if a manager wants to reject 5 more, is there a way to differentiate between who has already been sent a rejection email so they are not included again in a bulk rejection? Or will managers ...
Guest 10 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Date and Time Added to the Report for Applicants added to ATS

It would be useful to know the date and time a candidate was uploaded to ATS as when you receive the same candidate from different agencies, we need to know whose candidate was submitted first. When there are a lot of candidates who are uploaded a...
Annette Cook about 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

ATS - Status

We are looking to add a custom status field to the ATS status of the vacancy as 'on-hold' along with other 5 statues, i.e pending, draft, active, closed and archive? Can we add this custom status to the vacancy on the ATS module, if not can you ad...
Guest 11 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Word Count on ATS Text applications

Have a word count or limiter to text answers for questions on ATS applications
Guest 6 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Add tags to the email templates in ATS to include salary and Hiring Manager

When creating email templates within ATS, it would be useful to able able to add the salary advertised as well as the Hiring Manager name in the emails, particularly the offer email template. This will reduce the need to edit template emails befor...
R D over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Would be good to have the ability to be able to disable duplicate applications in ATS.

Although we understand the reasoning, it might cause concerns within a small organisation where staff members would appreciate being able to apply for posts internally without it being known to others i.e. hiring leads at present can see all other...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting