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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Ability for greater control of email notifications

We would like the ability to configure a weekly email, with a list of all outstanding tasks (such as holiday approvals and back to works) to managers, in place of sending an email every day for each item until they're all resolved. Actions a...
Guest about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Admin access specified by location

We have set up a new office in another country and would like our head of HR there to have full admin rights to that location without them having full admin rights and visability to head office. As an example - Even with edit access rights, they a...
Jules Gascoyne over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Browser tab naming

When you open ATS, Employee, HR Admin, People Analytics or Planner in different tabs within the same browser window, all of the tab names are named People, so it is difficult to know which one to click on when swapping from one application to anot...
Guest 4 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Open Workspace Products in new tab

When opeining PeopleHR products from the access button they do not open in a new tab. All other Access products open in a new tab. Please can the UI be aligned to conform with the other Access products. you can right click and open in new tab but ...
Guest 4 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Mail merge tags to align with all fields in the 'Employment' tab

Please could you ensure all tags that can be mail merged contain all fields from the Employment tab for a given employee.
Pamela Bolla over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

For PeopleHR to be available in Welsh

As an organisation we will be coming under the Welsh Language Standards next year and would require the option for our staff to be able to use the system in Welsh if they prefer. There are a number of different languages it can be used in (includi...
Guest 5 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Expenses - Option to select 'Receipt Mandatory' in HR Admin

In Expenses, currently in the HR Admin settings we can select whether Category, Tax, Tag, Client or Merchant are mandatory fields when employees are entering their expenses. It would be very helpful to add here 'Is Receipt Mandatory' so that if se...
Dominique Saxelby 9 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Amending employment status and Start/Continuous employment dates

Amending employment status and Start/Continuous employment dates - currently the system does not allow a change to start or continuous employment dates when you change an employees contractual basis i.e from Casual to Permanent. If there are any e...
Guest 5 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

able to view/count as half day for public holiday

the office will be closed early for festival season like Christmas Eve or New Year Eve, it would be nice if we can add this onto the system as public holiday so it will block off employee's calendar for half day and when they apply holiday, they j...
Stephy Yip 10 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

For admins to amend incorrect expense claims

Rather than always asking employees to correct the expense claims they submit, if it's an easy correction e.g. change in 'Category' or change in 'Reimburse' that admins can adjust this at the submission stage.
Alicia Woodward over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting