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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 3

To display signatures on documents

To show an employees signatures on documents that have been signed by them.
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee 7 Already Planned

Holiday requests should only show other staff with clashing dates, not dates that don't clash

Receiving holiday requests along with a list of staff who have the same dates off, is all we need to see. Adding staff to the list who have the week off before and after just pollutes the list and makes it so difficult to read the request. It make...
Soraya Asgari 11 months ago in Employee 5 Already Planned


Ensure any future development meets accessibility criteria. Some text/background colour combinations do not meet accessibility requirements and it is difficult for users to navigate the system if they are a keyboard only user i.e. don't use a mouse.
Guest 10 months ago in Employee 2 Already Planned