I'm an admin on People HR. When I set up the iCal calendar feed it displays all staff holidays in my outlook calendar. I only want to view my own department & people I manage via the feed. You can only filter by departments on the company plan...
Have a split shift, e.g. 7.5 hour day - they work 0830 - 1230 in the morning (office for example), go home to pick the children up from creche, then must log on by 14:00 - 17:30 (from home).
For any comments in an “other event” request to also be made visible when email is sent to approval
For any comments in an “other event” request to also be made visible when email is sent to approval. This will help save time as I will be able to take a decision to approve or not from the email.
over 1 year ago
in Planner
Open for Voting
We've been asked to investigate the possibility of allowing employees the ability to input their own sickness absence. The reason for this is so that their 'Reports To' and 'Additional Reports To' will receive an email notification for approval, i...
Lesley Cowell
over 1 year ago
in Planner
Open for Voting
Saving filters in the Company Planner and planner view
It would be useful to be able to save viewing filters within the company planner on an individual basis. Often people only need one or two filters - key people that are working on the same project for example. As these are not the same as the depa...
Jules Gascoyne
6 months ago
in Planner
Open for Voting
I think locking past months once they are completed on the planner is a good idea, as it would prevent employees from going back and deleting or editing vacation days. This would help ensure the accuracy of the records in the future. Unless you do...
Block holiday request/booking for staff where dates clash with team members
We have holiday requests set up via email so the line manager can approve/decline accordingly. However, we've recently had some situations where critical teams have had members on holiday at the same time, because the line manager has authorised w...
Ann Swan
5 months ago
in Planner
Open for Voting
Ability for system to round up holiday entitlement to nearest half day
Holiday entitlement currently calculated to exact amount when pro-rated (ie 2.37 days). Woud be great to have the option for it to auto round up to the nearest half day.
over 1 year ago
in Employee / Planner
Open for Voting
When back dating contracted hours in planner - stop changing existing data in the planner!
If backdating contracted hours, the planner changes all holidays and other events booked from that date onwards to the system default of 7 hours 30 mins. If these have already been approved it shouldn't change!
Deveena Dissanayake
10 months ago
in Planner
Open for Voting