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We have a lot of staff on no working patterns who only work shifts of less 7.5 hours is there any way that the default can be deactivated in any way or is there another way round the manager having to go in and alter amounts as this is quite onerous.

This would save some time for managers having to adjust time taken in leave
Guest 10 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Weekly Hours

Would be useful to be able to choose what days are included in the weekly hours. We run our payroll based on Monday-Sunday hours but it is automatically set Sunday to Saturday when looking at the Weekly hours.
Guest 11 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Hot Desking Plan that links with the holiday planner

This would benefit any companies that hot desk. Employees desks would be padlocked on usual work pattern and then unlocked for the use of people hot desking. Sign in app and Kadence. If not added to your system available to link with another outsi...
Guest over 1 year ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Add public holidays to calendar feed

We are currently using the calendar feed so managers can view when their team are not working. This includes annual leave, sickness and other events. However as we are unable to pull through public holidays they do not have full visibility. We hav...
Chris Brito over 1 year ago in Planner 2 Open for Voting

To be able to specify family leave type in order to create specific ripples for each.

The combined family leave row could remain in the planner (preferably being renamed to family leave). Once the pop up opens however, to record the dates; it would be beneficial to be able to select from a drop down the exact type of family leave. ...
Emma Eden 5 months ago in Planner 0

Ability to report on leave/ working feature in other events

The new feature in other events to classify them by leave or working is great. It would be really useful to be able to report on this as well. If we were able too we could provide time in/ out of the business data to the business without sharing t...
Rosie Hodson 6 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Calculate hours for unpaid leave in line with the working pattern set up

For some reason the other leave section requires manual input for the hours. why can this not be automated to match their working pattern like the holidays are?
Guest 6 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Add a row for 'working from home' occasions in addition to holiday and other events in the employee planner

Staff would like to be able to view working from home occasions in the company planner.
Caitlin Le Gallez 11 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Timesheet - Plugin Rules to be reviewed and rules added to Work Patterns

We have a mixture of Hourly Paid Staff and Salaried Staff and We were looking at implementing the timesheet plug in option within people HR and the excel file option, However we hit snags with this in relation to rules etc. Overtime couldnt be app...
Guest over 1 year ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Amend the working days from which absence is calculated, or get them removed from employee's visibility

In an employee's personal tab, under the salary area, there is a 'Daily Cost of Absence' line and it gives a number based on the following calculation: Salary divided by No. of working hours in current work pattern over 52 weeks Our business does ...
Victoria Boyle over 1 year ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting