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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 253

Employment Type

The 'Employment Type' field in Personal needs to be split into two sections; so you can track whether someone is permanent, temporary, casual or fixed term, but also whether someone is full time or part time - as it could be any combination of the...
Jane Porter 2 months ago in Employee 0

Allow spaces in contact phone numbers

It would be much easier to read phone numbers if spaces could be allowed, ie between the dialling code and the number.
Guest about 2 months ago in Employee 0

Information on modules completed in the 'Learning' functionality to pull across to the PeopleHR training records

I would ideally like information on modules completed in Learning (lite) to be shown in the training log book and/or training matrix.
Guest 3 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Holiday Submission Confirmation

When an employee submits a holiday day for approval, it would be really useful for them to receive confirmation that this has been submitted and is pending manager approval. This could either be via email or even just a simple 'pop-up' advising.
Bex Hodds 3 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

LOS rules should work from continuous start date (if present), not start date

We have many many employees with a Continuous start date (the date they joined the company) and a start date (the date they started their most recent role). We also have LOS rules set up to add rewards based on number of years since starting the c...
Victoria Boyle 5 months ago in Employee 0

to have some limits in place to prevent too many members of the same team all booking time off at the same time?

business logic needed in the sysptem to better manage team availability, currently its down to relying on the manager checking , which sometime they dont!
Guest 8 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Send a email notification to alert of tasks for current day, week etc

Send employees a email of tasks that need to be complete in the current day, this should be sent before 8am to make sure employees are aware of any tasks that need to be completed. A email with current day tasks and maybe a weekly reminder of upco...
Jack Phillips 3 months ago in Employee 0

Add Expiry dates on employee documents

Add on expiry dates to documents uploaded to the employees profile, to be actionable once the employee is marked as a leaver, to keep greater GDPR compliance for leavers and their information.
Lesley McPherson about 1 month ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Set a regular reminder pop up for employees to check their personal details

At the moment, the only way to remind employees to check their details is to enable the details capture pop up, but this is only a one off so not very useful for existing employees. It would be helpful to have the exact same thing but with a setti...
Holly Reid 7 months ago in Employee 2

Planner Print Options

Within the employee's planner section you have the option to print absences or holidays, can you add other events as an option to this as well
Liz Elstub 5 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting