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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Ability to Print sickness absence list as with Holiday and Absences through the Planner

Currently you can print a list of holiday and absences through the Planner - but not sick records. Can this be included as an addition
George Evans 3 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Moving the Return to work form, so it shows somewhere other than the planner for the efficiency for employees

It would be good if the return to work form for sick leave could be brought to the dashboard also, so it's easier for employees to complete. We sometimes have employees and managers struggle to find it due. It would be good to keep the return to w...
Jack Phillips 2 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Remember search / filters after going into one record on Employee List

If you type something into the search or set a filter on the Employee screen (eg a dept name) and open one record, when you go back to the employee screen it forgets the search filter and you have to type it in again, this makes the process very s...
Guest 4 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Option to turn off the pop-up suggesting other tasks when updating the salary

There should be an option to turn off the pop-up that comes up when you update someone's salary. I know that it suggests useful things, and some users may find that helpful, but my company does not use those features so it is merely annoying and e...
Abigail Bowley 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Holidays to be set up to renew on the anniversary of an employee's start date

We are a group business and some of our companies holiday balances renew when they reach the anniversary of their start date, meaning there isn't a formal holiday year and they don't have pro-rated holidays. We therefore would benefit from the opt...
Guest 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Hide the Ripple tab for employees

It would be better to hide the Ripple tab for employees and make the Interactive ripple icon more prominent on the Dashboard for employees. Many times employee go to the ripple tab instead of the small icon on the dashboard and then have trouble c...
Michala Warren 9 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Locking Logbooks

When an employee has completed a logbook and signed it, this should be locked in place. If we do a future edit on the logbook (via settings) to reflect a new year or date period. This retrospectively changes all completed logbooks that have been s...
Deveena Dissanayake 11 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

To have an option to notify employee as opposed to signing

when adding documents to their record. Sometimes, you don't need their signature however, want to notify them that it has been added and an email notification is sent. We want an additional tick box to ask for notification in addition to the signi...
Guest 5 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Need Absence Type of Shared Parental Leave

Shared Parental Leave is needed, alongside Maternity / Paternity. either as it's own absence type or likely a choice within the Maternity / Paternity absence line. have logged this with support as query, but was answered to set up as 'Other Event'...
Mandy Mathieson 10 months ago in Employee 2 Open for Voting

Future Leavers on the employee list

Have a tab for future leavers, just like the future starters
Jack Phillips 10 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting