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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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ATS - Status

We are looking to add a custom status field to the ATS status of the vacancy as 'on-hold' along with other 5 statues, i.e pending, draft, active, closed and archive? Can we add this custom status to the vacancy on the ATS module, if not can you ad...
Guest 11 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Disable the view of the ranking score in ATS

Hiring leads who are scoring the candidate, can view the total score given by the other person, even though the "See feedback from others" field have been selected as "After submitting theirs". Individuals are not able to view the details of the s...
Guest 11 months ago in ATS 0

Word Count on ATS Text applications

Have a word count or limiter to text answers for questions on ATS applications
Guest 6 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

ATS - To refrain certain hiring leads from sending out emails

Would it be possible to create a restriction to certain hiring leads to refrain them from sending out email to candidates. This would help in avoiding any unnecessary mistakes & miscommunication between HR and other sections involved. Thank you.
Guest about 1 year ago in ATS 0

ATS: Be able to select applicants based on responses to questions

We want applicants to choose which department they wish to be considered for when applying, so we have a checkbox question for each department. We then want to view all applicants who have chosen a particular department. In other words we want to ...
Guest about 1 year ago in ATS 0

Add tags to the email templates in ATS to include salary and Hiring Manager

When creating email templates within ATS, it would be useful to able able to add the salary advertised as well as the Hiring Manager name in the emails, particularly the offer email template. This will reduce the need to edit template emails befor...
R D over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Would be good to have the ability to be able to disable duplicate applications in ATS.

Although we understand the reasoning, it might cause concerns within a small organisation where staff members would appreciate being able to apply for posts internally without it being known to others i.e. hiring leads at present can see all other...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Allow more than 1 domain in ATS email settings

We have several different businesses within our PeopleHR system but the Email Settings in the ATS only allow 1 domain to be added. So when an applicant gets an email from us, it will not be from the specific company that they have applied to.
Victoria Boyle over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Be able to edit the Scorecard overall score

Currently the overall score is only 1-5. I would like to be able to edit this, so it can mirror the overall interview score. For example, we typically have 8 interview questions scored 1-5, so our total interview score is out of 40. Within the Sco...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Adding additional option to add another file in ATS under mandatory fields 'Cover Letter' and 'Resume' when candidates apply for a role. We have just realised why our candidates do not submit full attachments as required. It happens as the system allows only two mandatory fields to be used for attachments.

I would appreciate if senior managers in People HR will look into this as soon as possible and find a solution to add third filed for attachments in ATS under mandatory fields 'Cover Letter' and 'Resume' when candidates apply for a role. We ha...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting