For basic and more in depth step by step guides on how to set up and create new background and interactive ripples. For example, being able to send query information to Admins. I am unable to locate any information on this on the helpdesk, and it ...
Currently in the leaver wizard you have final employment date and final working day. Both these days could be before the payroll date and therefore if completing correctly they will be marked as a leaver and won't be able to access their p45 and f...
Add 'New Salary Amount' option to Bulk Salary Upload
Please could a 'New Amount' option be added to bulk salary upload - we hire casual staff who are all on the same salary so it would be good to be able to put in the new amount instead of working out how much extra pay they get per hour.
Automatic Alerts to be set to specific person not all admin or line manager
Allowing automatic alerts to be sent just to HR for example as they will be actioning the task - i.e., right to work will be actioned by HR, not all admins and/or line managers need to be notified of this
Olivia Cooper
about 1 year ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
Bulk deleting of old Holiday requests in authorisations
We have a lot of old holiday requests, and 'other' requests, that were never approved from years ago. Its a manual nightmare to clear this, especially when people left.
Ananda Classens
3 months ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
Option to specify who can view each document at the time of upload, instead of defaulting to all-or-nothing access and requiring later adjustments in the record.
When uploading multiple documents to an employees record, it would be 'nice to have' the option of who can view the document on each individual upload, and not an 'all or nothing' option at the bottom of the upload screen. This is useful when uplo...
Give admin ability to see their own goals in reports
When running the report on company goals for "performance" it would be helpful for person who runs the report to see their own goals, as the report comes up with everyone's except the persons who is running the report.
If we could bulk upload CPD in the same way we do for training, this would save a lot of time. When everyone does a training course for example, I can upload this is one go rather than entering it 100 times manually.