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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Manager Status (the ability to give manager status to selected employees without direct reports)

The system only gives Manager status to those employees who have direct reports. We have some manager level employees who have no direct reports but we would like them to be able to see and access areas of the system automatically given to Manager...
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Employee personal data

New employees are required to enter their own personal data prior to joining to make the onboarding process efficient. There are 3 fields that are greyed out and so the employee cannot update them: date of birth, national insurance number and titl...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 2 Open for Voting

Authorised Paid Sickness

At the moment the system only allows HR/Admin to confirm whether logged sickness on the planner is to be paid. This facility should be available to managers are HR are not aware of whether they are entitled to pay as the HR Team is remote.
Lorraine Miranda over 1 year ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Ability to see document description in the employee document screen

At the moment you can only see a document name and the category in the employees document section, but if you have multiple files in a category the only way to tell them apart is the file name which means saving the document in our local files fir...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Employee Advanced Search

When we used the 'Advanced Search' under employees before the latest update, the filters stayed in place when going back, so we could go through different filtered out people. Now, every time you go back, it resets the filter meaning that we're ha...
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Set Workspace access for all new starters in PeopleHR to be 'no access' by default

When adding a new user to PeopleHR please can there be a default so that they are added to our other Workspace applications with a default 'no access' rather than what seems to be a random mix of 'user' and 'no access'. There doesn't seem to be an...
Claire Padbury over 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting


Ensure any future development meets accessibility criteria. Some text/background colour combinations do not meet accessibility requirements and it is difficult for users to navigate the system if they are a keyboard only user i.e. don't use a mouse.
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 2 Already Planned

Timesheet Uploader function should allow overriding existing timesheet data

There is a timesheet uploader function that exists within the 'Requests' section under HR Admin, which allows bulk updating of timesheets via CSV, however this only works if the timesheets being updated to are blank. This function is effectively u...
Jassen Payen about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Display name of specific training in training logbook records

On PeopleHR we keep our training records for all employees under the logbook section. When training expires, I will go into that record to update the new expiry date and add the new certificate. However, as the name of the training is not displaye...
Guest 4 months ago in Employee 0

Ability to approve pending logbook requests for leavers

If a logbook has been created or amended and has not been approved before an employee is made a leaver the logbook changes aren't visible and they pending logbooks cannot be updated further.
Fran Deias about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting