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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Folders within Logbooks

Create the folders with the logbook to allow you to store files in a relevant groups similar to what's been done in documents.
Mehreen Iqbal 8 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Invite and allow users to fill out their personal information

Allow employees to keep the HR function up to date with critical information
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

View salary in the App

Employees wanted to view their new salaries in the app when pay rises happened. Can this information be pulled through to the app? some of our blue collar employees do not have a desktop to view their personal information.
Guest 4 months ago in Employee 0

Access an existing logbook from a Ripple

Logbooks are often 'works in progress' - e.g. we have a custom appraisal template. Would like a Ripple to get people to the Logbooks and be able to open an existing one rather than create a new one.
Helen Lamb 4 months ago in Employee 0

Separate Employees Name and Absence Icon into 2 columns on the Employees List.

It would be useful for Admins to be able to Quick Filter a type of absence in this window, i.e., holiday, sickness, out of business etc., without having to move to the Company Planner window.
Diane Hance 8 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Multiple Probation Periods

It would be useful to have multiple probation periods within the Company Settings as some employees are on 6 months probation yet the majority are on 3 month probation.
Guest 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Employees are not able to view their own absence documents. After being filed in Absence Planner documents are automatically transferred to Documents but access is only available to Manager and not Employee. Advised only way to give access is for Admin to go into each file and manually tick box to give access to Employee. No practical for every absence.

Useful to give access to Documents. Benefit Employee. To work the system should automatically give access to Employee to view their own documents
Lorraine Salisbury 9 months ago in Employee 0

Filter Employee list by who is on holiday today

The employee list shows an indicator if they have an Absence today which is a nice feature, it would be great to just filter on who has absences today so you can do a quick check in the morning to see who is off / sick
Guest 4 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Start date change disrupts other things

I would like to see PHR amending salary date, job title date, probation end date & annaul leave allowance if a start date is amended. I find it frustrating that if I have a new starter who changes their start date, I have to amend salary start...
Lesley Hidden 7 months ago in Employee 0

Printed quality of Appraisals

There is widespread dissatisfaction with appraisals format. this consists of two main issues there is an error message sometimes when you go to print to pdf, this has been reported many times before the quality of the output is very poor and there...
Conor McGarry 9 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting