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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 254

Update the assigned to in Tasks

It would be good to be able to update the assigned to in the tasks. This would mean a task being able to be moved to someone else, i.e. if a line manager is away or sick the upcoming task could be reallocated to the relevent director or HR or anot...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Job Effective Dates Revamp

It would be useful for job effective dates to actually work rather than immediately apply these. Historic job roles are an issue on query builder making it hard to show previous and new roles.
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee 4 Open for Voting

Please can the word 'other' be changed within the 'other events' option.

When booking a 'other event' and this event arriving with the approving manager this can cause confusion when the manager approves. Can the option show the reason and not the word 'other'.
Guest 9 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Rename "Documents" under your Profile to be called "Personal Documents"

Two documents sections is confusing, they need to be differentiated.
Guest 2 months ago in Employee 1

Maintaining full record of RTW documents

Currently when we add a new right-to-work document on the Employment page (eg a passport or online RTW check) we have to delete the existing one. This deletes it from the Documents section as well, meaning we have to add it back again so we mainta...
Kate Kirkman about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Line Manager overview/guidance needed

The only video giving manager guidance on how to use People HR is almost 10 years old and doesn't relate to the system as it now is. It is extremely out of date and would be better being archived as it has no use whatever. A video would be a usefu...
Kate Hewitt 5 months ago in Employee 0

Turn off the ripples tab for colleagues

There is no need for colleagues to be able to view the ripple tab. As we have a lot of interactive ripples and workflows they get confused and try to complete tasks on the ripple tabs sometimes which causes us a nightmare. Considering it's just a ...
Vickie Shaw over 1 year ago in Employee 2 Open for Voting

Filter with column checkboxes in Employee screen

In the employee screen can each column have a drop down checkbox so you can just select one or multiple departments like you would in an excel filter, would be a much quicker way to filter records
Guest 4 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Annual leave gets amended when reason for leaving is changed

Once I have actioned the leaver wizard for an employee, I sometimes get asked to amend the leave reason. This is so frustrating because running the leaver wizard again (the person hasnt yet left) messes up the annaual leave left. I dont udnerstand...
Lesley Hidden 7 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Use a standard 260 working days for cost of absence calculation

Currently the system uses the salary effective date to the end of a 12 month period but this can fluctuate and is not a consistent calculation. It would be better to have a standard 260 days for full time staff and reduced numbers pro rata for peo...
Liz Elstub 8 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting