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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Bulk action - salary missing option to record effective date

When using the bulk action to change salaries, there is no option to specify the effective date of the change. Sometimes, there is a slight delay in uploading data to PHR, or the salary increase decision is backdated. Although we can use the bulk ...
Guest 8 months ago in Admin 0

Could there be an option to 'hide' previous THANKS badges, currently there is only the option to delete. I would prefer to hide them from use rather than delete as I have created new ones that I just want people to select from however I may choose to re-introduce the previously created badges at a later date

If I delete them, I will need to re-add them back again should I wish to use previous badges in the future. By hiding them from view it will save a lot of time.
Guest 9 months ago in Admin 0

'Additional Reports To' to be added as a selection within a Ripple Email

Currently we can only select 'Manager' in ripple emails, being able to select additional manager would help us alert supervisors, or team leaders, or staff that are temporarily sitting in that role.
Guest 6 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Move the "Add Day" button to the top of page when adding Public Holidays

We have several locations globally and so I have to add in the public holidays for each region each year. Now we have been with PeopleHR for several years, the list for each country is really long and to add a new date, each time you have to scrol...
Teri Lewis 3 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Ability to mark expenses as paid for leavers

Expenses can only be marked as paid during employment which is ridiculous when their final pay will be received after leaving the business. Expenses should be able to be marked as paid even once an employee has left the business, without having to...
Charlotte Hammond about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Change the holiday report field from "Last Action Date" to "Approved Date"

The current field heading is confusing as the "Last action date" will actually show the date the holiday was approved. The holiday "Updated date time" will show when the holiday was last updated. It would be helpful if the heading "Last Action Dat...
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Access Group to contact managers

We are currently suffering issues with TapIn/Out on our 2 sites, far away from Head Office. I cannot support when Access Support asked for very specific information, would be good for access to contact managers directly.
Guest 3 months ago in Admin 0

Absence approval notifications for multiple approvers

It would be useful if, in the case of employees whose holiday is approved by two people, they could receive a notification when the first approver has approved the absence - rather than just when the absence has been fully approved by both approvers.
Sarah Cole over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Employees with two or more job roles, that report into different manager/departments

Where employees that are employed in more than one job role with our organisation, we have to set up two peopleHr accounts for them. Each job role reports into different managers and different business areas. Each job roles requires separate annua...
Rachel Boyce about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Have the same field names within logbooks

It would be beneficial to have the same field name within logbooks rather than having to find different names for each.
Guest over 1 year ago in Admin 2 Open for Voting