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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 246

Planner Access Levels for Individuals

We have clinical staff where certain individuals need to be able to see their planners to be able to rota them for shifts, however we don't want everyone in the company to see their annual leave or sickness, but it seems we cant apply these access...
Nicole Peatson 17 days ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Absence Report printed from individual's planner to include all absence types

Rather than create a query for a single employee, when trying to get an overview of their absences in the given year, the print report available from the planner should include all absence types, not just holidays.
Ewa Skorek-Pawlowska about 1 month ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

connect whole and half day sickness in as one entry

It would be good if you could connect half and whole day sickness together. Eg. connecting an afternoon and the next day into one entry
Rosie Hodson 6 months ago in Planner 3 Closed - Already exists

Have an option for a different approver if the main approver is on holiday

It means that if the main line manager is on holiday, it can automatically go to someone else, but not all the time
Guest 11 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Carry over negative holiday entitlement

We allow our staff to use holiday entitlement from the following year's allowance. This should automatically be deducted from next year's allowance but there is no feature for this. It only allows to carry over unused holiday.
Julia Bowman 4 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Seeing your whole team's holidays request with names, so you can avoid booking multiple employees out at the same time

Having multiple employees in different departments and countries, it can get really frustrating when I want to approve their annual leave, because I cant see all their request at the same time.
Guest 11 months ago in Planner 4 Open for Voting

Add 'Work Pattern' filter to the 'Filters for employees' page when assigning work patterns in bulk

We have two different work patterns for many of our employees, one used in the summer and one used in the winter, and have to switch those patterns twice a year. It would be very useful to be able to find all employees by their current work patter...
Patryk Zawierucha 18 days ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Pro-rata Carry Over for PT staff

Our company carry over rule is that employees can carry over 5 days (36 hrs), but this is pro-rated for part time employees. If an employee works 27 hrs per week, this is what their maximum carry over is. Currently, Access doesn't pro-rata carry o...
Julia Sabat 4 months ago in Planner 3 Open for Voting

Add 'send reminder' button onto holiday/ other event durations

It would be good if there was a 'send reminder' button for holiday/ other event authorisations available for admin only so that we could prompt managers to review their authorisations. This would be good to be able to prompt managers and be able t...
Rosie Hodson about 2 months ago in Planner 0

Remove the cancel button from the planner entry

I know it's a new thing but people are not finding the delete button as is. By adding a cancel button at the beginning of that workflow, people will be confused as to why the cancel button doesn't actually cancel their entry.
Guest 9 months ago in Planner 1 Open for Voting