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Performance Management

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Can you schedule performance reviews to be sent to users on a certain date

Automatically schedule performance reviews to send to users on a go live, without needing to physically press button. Makes it more efficient if you ahve multiple performance reviews for users
Guest 5 months ago in Performance Management 0

Performance Review - Managers tab

Currently the employee can see both their comments and the managers comments. It would be good to hide the managers comments so that there is a discussion between the employee and the manager before the final points are noted.
Pratima Mistry 5 months ago in Performance Management 0

Performance Reviews: Having text and rating in same question

Currently in the new performance management module you have to select text OR scale 1-5. But it would be useful rather than asking 2 seperate questions that you can ask for text and scale rating for the same question (this is normal in performance...
Guest 3 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Some form of automation for notifications without the need for ripple workflows

It would be good to have some form of basic notifications without the need to pay extra for workflows. Things like end of fixed term contracts, probation end dates and right to work expiries are basics and its quite a manual process to provide man...
HANNAH FREEMAN 8 months ago in Performance Management 0

Print draft Performance Reviews before they go live

It would be used to be able to print a full draft of all the performance sections and questions from the Performance tab, before they are live or while still in draft, so that Admin can review/update/change questions as necessary on a year by year...
Karan Yearwood 11 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Performance management reviews open concurrently

The sign off and new cycle of appraisals happens at the same time/early calendar year and therefore there needs to be a setting that allows reviews to run simultaneously. For example, the 2023 appraisal sign off is January 2024, but in the same me...
Pamela Bolla about 1 year ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Allow query showing unopened reviews

At the moment the query only shows in progress, shared or closed. Unopened would be really helpful.
Leanne Barlow 3 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

May we have larger text boxes inn the performance section that fill the work area

My team has been commenting it would be useful in performance section that the text box fills the screen to read more easily.
Guest 12 months ago in Performance Management 0

Performance reviews - ending on completion date

Each year we run into the same issue. We hold annual performance reviews and set deadline/completion dates. For explanation sake, lets call this: 2022 review. Once the 2022 review has been closed and the completion date has past (31.12.2022), the ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Performance Management 1 Open for Voting

Amend Formatting to keep paragraphs and indents in Performance Management sections.

When completing a performance review, a team member is able to format it with paragraphs. However, when it comes through to the Manager it merges it all together into a block of text. Could this be ameliorated?
Guest over 1 year ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting