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PeopleHR Ideas Portal

Performance Management

Showing 85

Make 'Overall Comments' section of performance review form non-mandatory

The 'Overall Comments' section of the performance review form currently has to be populated before the form can be shared with the manager. As specific review questions are already set up for the user to answer, it may be that there is no extra na...
Anita Scrocc about 1 year ago in Performance Management 0

Report on the date a Performance Review has been closed on the system within Performance Queries

Often employees can open a performance review and the employee and manager update this over a period of time or can forget to close this promptly. Currently the reporting / query function in relation to Perfomance Reviews will only report on the d...
Guest 11 months ago in Performance Management / Queries/Reporting 1

Performance Review Settings: ability to copy a segment

In Performance Review Settings wouldn't it be great if we had the ability to copy a segment? I could then copy the Objectives outline segment, and slightly adapt/edit without having to re input all the information each time...
Guest 6 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Goal Updates

When goals are updated can the goal last updated column be changed to the checkin and last comment rather than moving the goal on the useless graph in the performance module....
Guest 8 months ago in Performance Management 0

Give extended access to planner and appraisals for senior managers without giving access to documents and other private info as a default

so senior managers can view appraisals/scores of their teams should they wish currently the system is set up so you give extended access but also get access to private documents and private ifnormation that you may not want to share and this setti...
Guest about 1 year ago in Performance Management 1

more than 5 questions per segment in the performance review templates

more than 5 questions per segment in the performance review templates
Guest about 1 year ago in Performance Management 0

Performance Reviews

When creating performance review templates we need functionality to exclude certain job roles as this is much easier than selecting each job role that the review should be applied to. The only current exclude option is for specific employees and t...
Fran Deias 5 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Anonymous 360 Feedback

Suggestion to make it possible make 360 feedback anonymous for all employees (including the manager of the person)
Guest over 1 year ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Slider option without a text box

On questions there is an option for TEXT or SLIDER, but Slider still comes with a text box, I know this is not mandatory to be filled in but can it be hidden, as for some users we just want the slider and no text box.
Guest 5 months ago in Performance Management 0 Already Planned

Can you remove NUMBERS from the review as we do not want to rate employees 1, 2,3 or 4 we want to just use wording

We want to have the flexibility to make the performance review less scoring and to add text to the descriptive scoring and words, there is currently no flexibility to do this in the system
Guest 5 months ago in Performance Management 1