I would like to see PHR amending salary date, job title date, probation end date & annaul leave allowance if a start date is amended. I find it frustrating that if I have a new starter who changes their start date, I have to amend salary start...
There is widespread dissatisfaction with appraisals format. this consists of two main issues there is an error message sometimes when you go to print to pdf, this has been reported many times before the quality of the output is very poor and there...
Conor McGarry
9 months ago
in Employee
Open for Voting
Employees Holiday Requests, update wording on automatic response from PeopleHR to explain where on the software the employees can find the information on their holiday request, i.e. directing them to their Authorisations rather than the sign in page of PeopleHR.
The email that PeopleHR send to employees about their holiday request are misleading/unhelpful. I have asked a few members of staff where they would look in PeopleHR to find their holiday request decisions and none of them, even after reading the ...
over 1 year ago
in Employee
Open for Voting
System generated annual rewards statement. If all benefits could be added to the platform to then produce an annual reward statement that is added to each employees record.
When completing an employee's Leaver Wizard, it would be great to be able to write more than 250 characters when describing a leaver, whether they are re employable and their behaviours within the business. As if people are away it would be better...
Currently individual payslips are automatically uploaded to the document folder as an individual document with the payslip date. This makes a huge list in the docs folder full of payslips. PeopleHR support said there is no way of grouping all the ...
Training matrix - can you freeze/pin the employee and the training description. if you have more than 6 employee's and you want to scroll across or down you lose all of the vital information and it is difficult to see what you need to in relation to your team members training.
at the moment the training added in the logbook is populated in the training matrix to give managers an overview of the training completed and outstanding etc but the functionality of the screen and the lack of freezed/pinned panes top and at the ...
about 1 year ago
in Employee
Open for Voting