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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 3

Option in this portal to 'watch' an idea

Currently the only option is to 'vote' for an idea. It would be useful to be able to keep up to date with ideas that may have an impact on how we use the system for our employees, but isn't something that we would 'vote' for. Having a 'view' optio...
Annette Attwell 11 months ago in Admin 1 Closed - Not right now

Bank details input verification

We are getting people input their bank details incorrectly - is there a way the system can indicate if the right amount of numbers have been inputted (and not allow letters/ other characters) to verify it is a sort code/ account number? We also th...
Guest over 1 year ago in Admin 1 Closed - Not right now

Add an additional password to the Access bar/drop down selections

When you log into Access, you then select which function you wish to visit from the drop down box i.e. PeopleHR, FocalPoint etc. At this stage, when you click on the desired icon, it takes you straight to that function. Is there any way of adding ...
Laura Vincent about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Closed - Not right now