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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Admin
Created by Patryk Zawierucha
Created on Feb 13, 2024

Bulk delete Other Event entitlements

There is currently a way to bulk update/create Other Event entitlements but there is no way to bulk delete the entitlements. We decided to delete all of our entitlements due to the same issue as explained by another user in the following idea:

The easiest way to implement this could be to allow us to enter some special value, e.g. -1 into the current bulk update fields to delete that type of entitlements. Alternatively, adding a delete button for each option would also work.

Describe the Challenge We had to go into each employees planner, one by one, and delete each of the 16 different entitlement types, and then, for each of those, confirm that we are sure we want to delete it. That was a very long process... an option to bulk delete would save us ~3-4 hours
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