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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Dashboard
Created by duncan alexander
Created on Oct 19, 2023

Able to access employee records from Dashboard or overview

It would be great if managers were able to access their direct reports from the dashboard. When they select the employees tab at the bottom, it shows them but they are no clickable. I have been asked to raise this as a product request by several managers. At the same time when they go on their ME tab, and it shows direct reports in the overview page, it would be great if these were also clickable, and takes to the employee record.

Describe the Challenge Not all managers know where to access their employees within the system. This would make for a better user experience.
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Access employee details via Overview tab

Could you please review the function that allows access to employee details via the overview tab? Managers are confused as to why the list of employees (under ME tab) reporting to them is inactive, requiring them to navigate to "Employees" and the...
Guest 8 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

For People Managers to be able to click on their team member's profile from the overview tab. But this would be a great idea for you to give feedback on as I know that some other users are looking to have this added to the system as well.

I am been informed that the system default doesn’t have the above specific option to open users' profile from the Responsibilities lists, you can only access employees profile from the " Employee " Tap But this would be a great idea for this to ha...
Guest 4 months ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting