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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Hyperlink functionality in Logbook

We refer to policies in our induction logbook entries and it would be great to be able to have hyperlink functionality so employees and simply click and be taken to the policy it's being referred to
Guest 8 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

To have more options showing on the front page of the training log

Currently you can only have three titles showing on the front page of the training log. Unfortunately, this is not enough data to give you a clear picture at a glance. It would be best if this list is increased from 3 to 5/6. At a glance, ideally ...
Denise Falzon 6 months ago in Employee 0

Add preferred name option visible to other employees

To support our employees who use different names from their legal name (e.g., our employee is trans, uses a nickname, etc), it would be great to have an option where a different name can be displayed to other employees/on their account while still...
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

the systems should not allow auto-approval of holidays unless this is specifically authorized through a rule

Current advice receive from Customer Supports - Please note that it is system default that if the rule is listed for additional reports to only approve the requests then if they don't have an additional report then it will automatically approve. I...
Guest 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Branching Questions for Logbooks

The ability to set certain logbook questions to only appear if a specific answer is selected in a previous question, similarly to the 'add branching' feature in MS Forms, would be very useful. Alternatively (or in addition) the ability to set cert...
Esme Rourke 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Add Start Time as field on profile

Could we add Start Time as a field in the personal or employment tabs? It would be useful to have this so the information can be pulled as a data tag for onboarding, job offer emails.
Holly Simpson 9 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Time limit on salary deduction / entitlment

Give a salary deduction / entitlement with a time limit (for a year, for example).
Keren Landsman 3 months ago in Employee 0

Set a temporary job role change

set a temporary job role for someone who is expected to fill in for a specific time.
Keren Landsman 3 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Casual workers have accrued AL calculated

If you have casual/Zero hours contracted people who tap in and tap h=out, could the system generate accrued annual leave based on the hours worked.
Helen Hewson 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Links in interactive ripples

Please enable weblinks in Interactive ripples to work, as there are often webpages that need reading/sending off forms and these links need to work inside the Interactive Ripple text.
Pamela Bolla over 1 year ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting