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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Audit report of queries created

Produce a report of all queries to show: name of the query who created the query date query created who last used the query date query last used We have a number of admins in the company and they can all create reports. This would be useful to tra...
Annette Attwell about 1 year ago in Admin / Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Bulk delete Other Event entitlements

There is currently a way to bulk update/create Other Event entitlements but there is no way to bulk delete the entitlements. We decided to delete all of our entitlements due to the same issue as explained by another user in the following idea: htt...
Patryk Zawierucha about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Reverse/Stop Function in Bulk Upload/Actions

It would be great if there was a way to stop or reverse bulk upload/actions. Currently, as soon as you click save there is no way to reverse the action.
Charlotte Tipple about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Include Employee leaving date on the employee search results page

To be able to quickly see when an employee is leaving without clicking into their profile.
Chloe Miller over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Names searchable on employees as the 'other names'

Currently on the searchable terms on the 'employee tab', it only comes up on the 'known as' section. We would like for 'other names' to also be searchable on the employee tab.
Guest about 1 year ago in Admin 0

Performance review ideas

Hi Team, I have attached some feedback on the performance review module received from a client.
Guest 7 months ago in Admin 0

New security message on mailshot when posting on the newsfeed should be a pop up not in main body of text!

Access has recently made a change where if you have a link in a newsfeed post it adds a security message in the main body of the mailshot (email) rather than being in a pop-up box that appears when you hover over or click the link. This additional...
Guest about 1 year ago in Admin 0


Typing into the News portal, or trying to copy in text is, and always has been a nightmare. I have lost count of how many times I get the "Oops something went wrong" message! Why is it so difficult to just allow wording to be typed in different fo...
Guest 7 months ago in Admin 0

Amending/Updating Carry Over of holiday

We understand that you introduced a new field to stipulate cut off month for carry over days, can the option be added to leave the field blank opposed to a particular month? Ideally we do not have the option to undo what we updated, which does not...
Guest 7 months ago in Admin 4 Open for Voting

Change the label of a data field to support international companies

ASK: Enable functionality that allows users to re-label data fields to support an international audience. The under laying functionality of the data fields do not need to be changed - they function that same and do not need to be updated, re-mappe...
Erin Heiniger about 1 year ago in Admin 0