I appreciate the 2 analysis code options in the settings and have used them - it would be good to have 1 or 2 more, i understand too many wont fit into the Personal Tab but i'm sure there's some ways around this for up to 4 in total..... also, whilst using the analysis codes 1 & 2 i have noticed when reporting (query builder), the header still shows as analysis code 1 or analysis code 2, i would like it to show as the header i have created ie; I used Analysis Code 1 as 'Ethnicity' but when reporting the header just shows as Analysis Code 1.
PHR definitely needs more fields for businesses to record data that is important to them and has to be reported. I would suggest 10 fields are available for us to customise. I am already using Analysis Code 1 and 2 for 'sub department' and 'cost centre' but we have to report on additional responsibilities such as team leader, first aider, fire warden, manual and non manual roles, the list goes on...