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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Admin
Created by Holly Reid
Created on Oct 10, 2024

Make it easier to save entitlements/deductions in the employee salary

Right now when adding entitlements to an employee's salary, e.g. for a new starter, this can only be done after the employee record is created, and once entered you have to click Done and then on the next page click Save.

In practice, its really easy to forget to click save, on a small screen it isn't even visible on the page without scrolling, and so if you are trying to go quickly you might accidentally close without saving. We have this issue ALL THE TIME and people miss out on their entitlements because of it.

It would be so much better if the save button was on the actual page you enter the value of the entitlement, rather than a useless Done button. Then if the overall salary page was closed without saving it would already have been saved on the previous page.

Even better would be if entitlements & deductions were included on the employee record creation options. Or if admins were given a way to enable which bits of an employee record we want to be prompted to enter at employee creation and which we don't need to. Don't make it a required field, just make it an option for those of us that rely on it.

Describe the Challenge Make it easier to enter and save salary entitlements/deductions, because the current system is too likely to not get saved and result on employees not getting their entitlements.
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