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Created by Hina Angel
Created on Sep 30, 2024

Excess Hours and Dashboard Summary

For our Company, I am requesting to add the Leave Type called: Excess Hours. I had previously sent the policy via Case upload, which has the conditions contained within the file.

Each month, I need to produce a report of how many "Excess Hours" ( Hours worked each day (not including the 1 hour for lunch - therefore above 8.5 hours per day), and total these up, but capped at 75 hours. The 75 hours continue to roll over, and if used, this can be topped up in the relevant month, where the additional hours worked have been accrued.

In addition, on the Planner dashboard, we require for a summary of the employee's Excess Hours, of what has been accrued/taken etc. - please refer to the attached: Excess Hours - Dashboard Summary - Screenshot.

Describe the Challenge This is a time consuming work process at the end of each month for all relevant employees, which has been used on a previous HRIS software, which enables both Managers and HR to check and confirm the total number of Excess Hours taken, accrued and remaining etc.
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