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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Dashboard
Created by Jack Phillips
Created on Sep 7, 2023

Employee search bar on dashboard for admin

Add a search bar on the dashboard in order to search for employees instead of pressing the 9 dots, then employee.

Describe the Challenge Saves time and quicker access to employee records
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  • Abigail Bowley
    Mar 26, 2024

    Yes, this would make life a lot easier again. I don't get why queries and settings were removed from the list if only admins could see them anyway!

  • Claire Harrison
    Dec 21, 2023

    This would also be a better place for it in the light of one of the recent changes which has separated the Employees tab away from the settings and queries which is deeply annoying. Two examples of where this has created a problem where there was none before; when updating a working pattern and seeing the effect on their planner to check it is correct and when running a query and you want to check or update the employee profile, you are up and down to that Access Button and having to go between the two areas which have been now separated!