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Created by Salma Cassim
Created on Feb 13, 2024

Holiday summary circle should show approved holidays and pending holidays separately

1) Add pending holiday to holiday summary circle in Planners

When staff book holidays (pending), It would be useful for line manager to know the breakdown via the holiday summary circle, example of 25 days holiday allowance below;

  • booked/approved (20 days)

  • pending/awaiting approval (3 days)

  • remaining (2 days)


2) Do not deduct pending holiday from allowance

At the moment, holidays pending approval are still deducted from staff allowances, despite awaiting approval.

If holidays could only be deducted from allowance once they are approved.

Describe the Challenge Not easy for Managers to see pending holiday totals
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Aug 6, 2024

    It would be useful to see:

    Booked/Taken (date is in past and employee has been paid for that day)
    Approved (holiday has been approved but the date is in the future - still within holiday year)


  • Guest
    Aug 5, 2024

    option 1, please

  • Ceri Thomas
    Aug 2, 2024

    Option 1 please.

    Option 2 would be very confusing and I could envisage lots of explaining and misunderstanding with the total holiday numbers remianing.

  • Lisa Macardy
    Aug 2, 2024

    Option 1 please.

    I know that with option 2 I'd end up explaining constantly why the total figure doesn't match to the figure in the circle!

  • Dawn Boyle
    Aug 2, 2024

    Options 1 please

  • Guest
    Aug 2, 2024

    Option 1 - Add pending to holiday summary with Planner Option 2 Please

  • Guest
    Jul 29, 2024

    Option 2

  • Fran Deias
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 2.

  • Paul Harper
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 2

  • Joey Siu
    Jul 25, 2024

    Prefer option 1

  • Claire Matthews
    Jul 24, 2024

    Option 2 for me please

    Claire Matthews | Human Resources Manager
    Internal 7482 | Direct 0117 938 7482 | Mobile 07884 650902 | Department 0117 370 8778

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  • Zoe McLeod
    Jul 24, 2024

    We don't use TOIL so no preference for us, but we would like the breakdown to split Booked and Taken as per comment below

  • Admin
    Cornel Mamaliga
    Jul 24, 2024

    Hello everyone,

    We are considering separating Holiday and TOIL entitlements from both calculation and visual perspectives.

    As part of this update, we are also looking to categorize the entitlements into:

    • Booked

    • Pending/Awaiting decision

    • Remaining

    When it comes to visual separation within the Employee Planner and Employee Dashboard, which option would you prefer?

    Option 1: Display Holidays and TOIL in two different charts.

    Option 2: Display Holidays and TOIL together in one chart, but use different colors to distinguish them.

    Please note that these are not the final designs. There are only some sketches to demonstrate the concept.

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Best Regards,
    PHR Product Team

  • Zoe McLeod
    Apr 22, 2024

    This is great idea. I would like to see the following breakdown of holiday:

    Taken - Past bookings

    Booked - future bookings

    Pending - awaiting approval

    Remaining - still to take

    We need to ensure % of leave is taken by a certain times in the year and currently booked is past and future bookings combined which doesn't help with this calculation. We need to ensure leave is spread out so the business always has enough resources to run effectively.

  • Abigail Bowley
    Mar 26, 2024

    Option 1 - I think this would be the most helpful for managers to keep an eye on the limits and how much there is left so they don't accidently grant too much without noticing.

  • Guest
    Feb 27, 2024

    Option 1 wouod be my preffered.

  • Guest
    Feb 27, 2024

    I think both options would be great but option 1 would be the most imperative.

  • Guest
    Feb 27, 2024

    Option 1

  • Guest
    Feb 15, 2024

    option 1 would be preferred as people instantly know what remains bookable if their holiday is approved, majority of requests are granted after all

    1 reply
  • Joao Branco
    Feb 15, 2024

    This would be super useful and add to efficiencies