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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Admin
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 12, 2024

Ability for greater control of email notifications

We would like the ability to configure a weekly email, with a list

of all outstanding tasks (such as holiday approvals and back to works) to managers, in place of sending an email every day for each item until they're all


Actions are often outstanding as our managers are waiting on additional

information (e.g. holidays) or the employee isn't in to do the back to work

(e.g. shift patterns/additional sickness). This means managers spend a lot of

time deleting unwanted people emails, which not only fills inboxes but

also rightly or wrongly leads to ones they do need being missed.

Following a support ticket, it was confirmed that this isn't currently possible, and that this should be raised on the Ideas Portal.

Describe the Challenge To provide managers with a clearer summary of their outstanding actions.
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