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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 8, 2024

Keeping TOIL and Holiday Entitlement separate

We are experiencing problems seeing a clear picture of someone's holiday within P-HR. Within the Settings field of the planner when Toil is added it updates the "this year" field and then when toil is taken it deducts it from this field. Within our operational areas it is common for employees to alter their working pattern, and / or buy holidays from our HBS - our holiday allowance is calculated in hours not days. Quite quickly we start to lose a clear picture what of what a person's actual holiday is and why - it can take some time to work out.

Additionally, we are not entirely convinced toil is calculating correctly in P-HR, by separating both fields within settings would go a massive way to work if this is the case, then to understand how and why is it not working.

Is this something that is being felt by other system users?

Describe the Challenge We spend a lot of time having to review holidays and perform manual exercises to ensure someone's holiday and toil is correct. We need our team members to have faith that their holiday is correct.
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  • Lizzie Richmond
    Aug 30, 2024

    Option 1 please, Toil and Annual Leave really need to be kept separate.

  • Guest
    Aug 7, 2024

    I totally agree. We have lots of part time staff who change work patterns during the year. It is really time consuming and unhelpful to put the toil and annual leave together.

  • Kathrin Beckerleg
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 1 please as I think it's easier to keep them totally separate.

  • Ceri Thomas
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 1 please, it is clearer to have the entitlement separate for each.

  • Guest
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 1 please, it is less confusing with TOIL and holiday being kept separate.

  • Sarah King
    Jul 25, 2024

    We would prefer option 1. Keeping TOIL and Holiday separate. TOIL lumped in with holiday confused allowances. Keeping it separate is better and if we could somehow have an expiry option to TOIL allowances that would be good. We want to encourage TOIL to be used within a certain time period. Previously when it sat together with holiday, employees just built up large amounts of time off which caused issues so this option would support our managers in handling time off.

  • Abigail Bowley
    Jul 25, 2024

    I think Option 1. This way when someone changes their work pattern/hours/leaves, it is easier to see what their holiday entitlement is and adjust just that and know that that is correct without having to double check the TOIL added automatically, and look through previously used TOIL manually. Then any TOIL they have they will retain in full as they've earned it already and are due it all back regardless of any change to their hours/leaving date. It would make my life easier anyway as we have a lot of contract changes and calculating holiday and double checking it is a faff when TOIL is involved.

    But also can we have the little boxes still instead of the days around the circle? I know it's not the final product, but I think those are clearer instead of the key saying booked,pending etc. What if someone is colour blind! Numbers are better and easier to understand in the key, instead of around the circle bit. Love the new colours if those are used, but can it still be the boxes beside it with the numbers, just add a circle, one for holiday, one for TOIL. Just a personal preference. Best of both worlds maybe.

  • Guest
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 2 is the clearest to view - I love how easy it is to understand what an employee has. Similar to to other responses, TOIL is separate from holiday and it would be great if it could be on a separate display, otherwise it still looks as though it is included as part of the overall holiday allowance, which based on this change it shouldn't be. Is this something that can be done?

    1 reply
  • Maggie Woods
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 2

  • Guest
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 1

  • Helen Clegg
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 2 as it it easier for employees to understand

  • Carole Collier
    Jul 25, 2024

    Option 1

  • Andrew McAvan
    Jul 24, 2024

    As per Vicky's comments below, Holiday & TOIL are 2 separate things in our company. At the moment we do not use TOIL because we require TOIL in hours and holiday in days. If they are split (Option 1) it might enable the option to use hours and days separately in future.

  • Kim Canterford
    Jul 24, 2024

    Option 1 - I think it will be easier for colleagues and for us to understand their allowances if they are kept completely separate. Also when someone leaves TOIL paid and Holiday paid show on separate lines of the payslip and so being able to match these back to the system is important for audit purposes.

  • Guest
    Jul 24, 2024

    Option 2

  • Guest
    Jul 24, 2024

    option 1

  • Kim Kennedy
    Jul 24, 2024

    Option 2

  • Esme Rourke
    Jul 24, 2024

    Option 1

    1 reply
  • Admin
    Cornel Mamaliga
    Jul 24, 2024

    The votes are pretty even so far.
    Can you please provide more detailed feedback on your preferences and why you feel one option would be better than the other?

  • Lisa Morrison
    Jul 24, 2024

    Option One

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