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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Categories Queries/Reporting
Created by Graham Clarke
Created on Jan 18, 2024

Only Admin can Access default to checked

At present the default setting for the checkbox Only Admin can Access is to be unchecked. I believe it would be very helpful if this were to default to checked.

Describe the Challenge If a self-service user has elevated access to allow them to view and run queries (for example a payroll team) there is no way to define exactly which query(ies) they are able to view other than to ensure the Only Admin can Access box is checked. This leave a situation where all users who have access levels to create queries must check this box in all queries they create otherwise there is a risk that the self service user could see and run a query they are not supposed to see. This is a potential risk area under GDPR that can very easily be mitigated.
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