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Status Added to Product Backlog
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Created by Claire Harrison
Created on Dec 1, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APHR-I-9 Enhance Merge tags.

More tags available for Document Template Creator (Ripple Emails) Merged

If we had more field tags for ripple emails this would make the emails much more user friendly. At the moment each time someone registers an 'Other Event' the best I can write is "[[First Name]] [[Lat Name Name]] has added an Other Leave Event. Please check their planner to see the reason for the absence".

Similarly, I can't pull through correct sickness days in the past 12 months, nor number of sickness occasions in the past 12 months into ripple emails which would be really useful

Describe the Challenge Not sufficient functionality to add employee specific data to Ripple emails