We use the sequential numbering system in People HR, where every new record added through the portal, uses the next available PW number. E.g. if the last employee added was PW70, the next is automatically assigned as PW71.
The CreateNewEmployee API service doesn't auto-increment and forces you to send the employee ID. This leaves the user to somehow get the next ID in sequence and send that.
Describe the Challenge | Our vision is to have a single point of entry for new starters in our business. Wherever the employee's details are first entered, it should add them to all our other systems via APIs services, with minimal further human input. This new starter form is to have custom fields on it. The Logbook function is good as it gives us custom fields, however you don't get those fields on the new starter screen in People HR. You have to save the employee first and then edit their record to add the Logbook information. We've used your Webhook before, but it will trigger upon the new employee record being created, when the logbook information isn't updated yet. That's not ideal, as we need to send the logbook information to the other systems. As there should be one form, I created an application that can act as a starting point, which could then add them to People HR via an API. The problem there though, is when I use the Create New Employee service, it wants me to provide the Employee ID, rather than using the next sequential number and appending it to the 'PW' prefix we use. When a new employee is added to People HR via the portal, the system generates the sequential PW number for us. For whatever reason, it just doesn't do this via the API. |