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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Admin
Created by Alex Bailey
Created on Oct 11, 2023

Ability to push a policy to all employees for 2FA without using domains

I am having a huge issue where most of my staff use personal email addresses for their People HR account, as most don't need to use company email for their roles - manual work. Prior to Access aquiring the software, I used to be able to mandate that all users activated 2FA on their account - or just users with admin access rights. You have taken this finctionality away and all security policies are now tied directly to approved domains with code added to their DNS for approval - this does not work for a company structured the way mine is and is a HUGE backwards step as my system is now much less secure - I connot force users to have 2FA as my users will never have email addresses linked to my company domain for use for personal HR. You really need to add this ability back into the system - this is a deal breaker for me and is forcing me to look at other software solutions for my HR as this is a potential GDPR disaster waiting to happen!!! Clock is ticking ....

Describe the Challenge The minimum expectation of security for any system with sensitive data bound by GDPR regulations
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