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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Employee
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 16, 2024

Allow the viewing of expenses for employees who are leaving / left

Apparently you have designed the system so expenses of leavers cannot be viewed in the same way, even though invoices / receipts should be held in case of investigation as per accounting requirements.

You currently have the most bizarre flow in that you need to re-hire the employee to see it? Rather than just allowing it be accessible with a toggle like the rest of your system.

Also you need expenses to be accessible for the last month the employee is employed rather than having it drop off to process. Now we're in a situation where we have to 're-hire' the employee to get their receipts and then re-proccess them as a leaver.

According to your support it is not a bug, which I really think it is:

I understand your concerns and I want to clarify that the system is currently designed this way.

While you can query and view leavers’ information and expenses on the system, you cannot take action on any pending items unless the employee is temporarily rehired or still active.

This design ensures leavers are separated from active employee workflows but does require the rehire process for handling outstanding expenses.

I recognize this may not be ideal. Your feedback is valuable as this would be a great idea for you to give feedback on as I know that some other users are looking to have this added to the system as well.

Describe the Challenge Actually allowing you to see expenses for leavers so they can be proccessed.
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