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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Categories Employee
Created by Holly Reid
Created on Nov 22, 2024

Leavers' direct report reassignment - make this easier to see, manage and report on

When processing a leaver, there is an option to reassign direct reports to another person. This is great, but there are some improvements that could be made:

  • Show the leaver's manager on the page when asking who to reassign direct reports to, or make the leaver's manager the default option if not changed to someone else.

  • After the leaver wizard process is done, show on the overview page who direct reports are going to be reassigned to

  • On any direct reports' record, show who they are due to be reassigned to (viewable only by admins, not the employee themselves, or have a choice of whether the employee can view this), such as having a scheduled change visible.

  • Make it possible to change who direct reports are due to be reassigned to while the leaver is still working their notice

  • include an option for scheduled reassignments in queries

Describe the Challenge Currently, unless you processed the leaver yourself, it isn't clear who an employee managed by a leaver will be reassigned to while the leaver is working their notice. Making this clear and easier to manage for admins would be really helpful.
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