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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Queries/Reporting
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2023

Sickness % from Planner to be added to Queries for Reporting

Is there a way to report on the sickness % that you can see on the employees planner top of screen with queries.

We can't seem to find where this outputs to so we can report on Sickness Absence rather than having to take this and complete calculations off system for this off system and results in mismatches as we're reporting on a point in time and by the time the review meeting has occured this may have changed.

Describe the Challenge Can't Analyse Sickness % effectively - having to complete off system results in mismatches
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  • Ker M
    Feb 8, 2024

    Struggling to monitor absence directly off the system as the % does not pull through to a report. We have to manually create a report and do our own calculations, which makes no sense when the % is on each employee's record.

  • Claire Harrison
    Dec 1, 2023

    Sickness Occasions too would be very useful as this is a trigger for us