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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 29, 2024

Continuous Service/Length of Service being different for Joint Ventures.

We recently filled in the 'Continuous Service' section for all our employees on the system. As a result, we discovered that when we now view peoples length of service within the 'Employees' tab, it is pulling from the Continuous service data, rather than the start date data.

This is an issue as we are a joint venture company, so the continuous service dates are different to the start date for many of our employees where they have moved across to us from our joint venture company.

Is there any chance we could update the system so that it pulls length of service data from peoples start dates instead? i.e. when we go onto the Employees tab it will show under the 'Length of Service' column all our employees length of service in regards to their start date, not continuous service date? This would be a really usually feature for joint venture companies using this software.

Describe the Challenge The ability to review length of service from the Employee Tab/make queries which display how many years & months an employee has been at a company since their start date, rather than Continuous service date.
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