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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Categories Mobile
Created by Laura Feldmane
Created on Oct 25, 2024

Company directory on Mobile app - restrictions on employee visibility

On PeopleHR web portal there are restrictions on who can see whose profile. Managers can only see their team and employees only themselves. On PeopleHR mobile app these rules do not to apply. Everyone can see everyone in the organisation. This wouldn't be an issue if there was an option to select what employee details are visible to everyone. For instance, at the moment employee's name, last name, job title, location and department are visible to everyone if Company Directoy is enabled on mobile app. There are organisations who do not publicly show employees locations, for example, if they are home-based or working internationally. Also, there may be cases where organisations do not want everyone to see what department each person works for.

The fact that these settings cannot be changed is extremely dissapointing.

Just because of this our organisation can't use the mobile app. The app would allow managers to submit sickness for their team without having the need to log on via laptop, but we can't offer this solution just because the settings can't be changed. It seems like such a great waste of an app that could benefit organisations.

Describe the Challenge Impletement access restrictions, so more organisations can start using the app.
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