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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Showing an assignment as approved if timesheet approved

You cannot currently build a query that shows if an assignment is part of an approved timesheet. We currently have staff that do assignments but dont send them for approval. The timesheet and assignment can still be approved but when reporting the...
Guest 6 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Improvement to Excel download from Queries

When certain numerical data is exported to Excel from Queries, it comes out as a text file e.g. length of service dates and dates/days of birth (e.g. when looking at age). This means that when you try to sort on Excel it does it alphabetical rathe...
Claire Harrison over 1 year ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Printing expenses and receipts

The finance team need to be able to print the expense sheet in PDF format for each employee's expenses from clicking the Approved button. Currently they cannot see the whole page unless you scroll down to see all the expense entries, so if you scr...
Guest 5 months ago in Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

Create a list of names in one ripple

Create an automated ripple that creates a list of all the employees who show up in a query. One task with the entire list, not multiple tasks with one name. For example - a task saying "update the logbook for x, y, z", when x, y, z are the names w...
Keren Landsman 5 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0

Query to have a most recent record option

Please could there be an option created to only bring back the most recent record on a logbook query. This would make it so much easier to report on something like someones pension record in the logbook section, only bringing back the most recent ...
Hannah Dougherty 7 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Querying hours on Sunday / Public holidays

Add the ability to query on events on a Sunday / weekends / public holidays (according to the public holiday template), not just in the payroll plugin.
Guest 2 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Feature in queries to run a group at once

It would be cool if you could select a catergory of queries and then have a 'run all' button or if you were able to select a group of queries that you wanted to download at the same time. eg go into Staff List category, select all the queries in t...
Rosie Hodson 5 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Filter on employee locations for a historic date

I needed a list of employees based in each of our office locations as at a historic date. There's no way of doing this under the current query filter options so it would be great for this to be added.
Guest 8 months ago in Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

Combine report from ATS and employees

We would like a report that combines the ATS applicant and employee information. This will enable us to track vacancies filled with the correct information, and remove the need to pull reports then manually consolidate them in Excel. For example a...
Annette Attwell about 1 year ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Please enable reporting on comments saved on timesheets

Managers receive email notification for time sheets and then approve and make comments. It would be really useful if we could report on comments made by managers re timesheets as currently no one can see it apart from admin or manager.
Guest 9 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting