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PeopleHR Ideas Portal

Performance Management

Showing 85

Training Matrix - Employees should be in alphabetical order and be able to filter on job role.

The training matrix is currently not useable because you can't alphabetise employees or filter on job role. There is also no function to split the screen, so when you are scrolling down reams of employees you cannot see the top of the page where t...
Stephanie Bamford over 1 year ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Keynote files can't be uploaded

Millions of users around the world are using Keynote - anyone who uses a MAC - however from my understanding you can't upload any Keynote documents into the Documents section or on Performance Management area of PeopleHR? We are a creative agency ...
Clare roberts 8 months ago in Performance Management 0

Performance Manager Text Editor

Within the performance review section is it possible for a text editor to be added so that text can be highlighted/change colour, etc as this will help when managers update any text.
Guest over 1 year ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Providing employees the chance to offer feedback on their manager (upward)

I wonder if there's a way to add additional functionality so employees have the chance to provide upward feedback aka feedback on their line manager. Perhaps, it's just a case of a line manager nominating their report(s) in 360 feedback, but it wo...
Guest 11 months ago in Performance Management 0

Make goals confidential

The employee should have the option to keep goals confidential so the line manager doesn't receive a notification all the time. They should have the choice to share their goals (performance management).
Guest about 1 year ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting