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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Upload data table into logbooks

As a company we use logbooks for probationary reviews for all staff, however there is no option to upload a data table - it just copies and pastes through as plain text. It would be good if we can analyse data in particular for our sales team whil...
Sarah Harrison 3 months ago in Employee 0

Change the due date of a task in PeopleHR

When a task is created the due date is set, we would like the ability to update the due date, for example if a new employee start date is delayed, all the task due dates are now inaccurate and show as overdue even when they are not. Or when an emp...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Limiting Employee Access to the Contact Section

I would like to discuss the possibility of limiting employee access to the Contact section. Most of the time, employees update their bank details or home address information, but unfortunately, the HR team does not receive a notification when thes...
Guest 3 months ago in Employee 0

Maintain the task 'bank' outside of new 'new starter record'

Currently, it is only possible to add, delete or amend the default task list, when you are on the 3rd screen of entering a new hire record into the system. I think there should be an option to do this outside of the new starter wizard as, for exam...
Michala Warren 12 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

NI default to be in Caps only

It would be useful if the default for inputting NI numbers was in caps. Some employees will add NI numbers without capital letters and this causes an issue with payroll whereby the NI is not recognised and delays payroll process. I look forward to...
Guest 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Archive unwanted thanks badges

Most companies will evolve overtime and the ability to make changes to the recognition platform without having to lose the historical achievements awarded to individuals would be a great enhancement. I'm looking for the ability to archive unwanted...
Guest 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

The ability to change custom fields in 'Employee profile'.

For instance, the possibility to change "employment type" to relationship type.
Rejoice Boakye about 1 year ago in Employee 0

To be able to lock down holidays requests more than 6 months in advance

To stop employees requesting leave further than 6 months in advance especially when rules are on a first come first serve basis, but it opens up over time so for Feb you can book till July.
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Email notification for Holiday removals

Anything bulk uploaded in terms of holidays via the bulk uploader. Any cancellations, the email would go to the person that bulk uploaded- Not the manager/additional manager responsible for that employee. Potentially if 100's are bulk uploaded thi...
duncan alexander 10 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Remove mandatory plain text warning about linking to PeopleHR News against every hyperlink in mailshot

When sending posts from PeopleHR, any external links automatically have a line of text warning the end user about it saying "This link will take you to PeopleHR News where you will be able to view this document".This is added at the point of publi...
Dan Brown about 1 year ago in Employee 0