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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 254

System Prompts when start date changes to alert that leave is no longer accurate

What I want it to do - Prompt admin users when start dates are changed with a message to advise manual -re-calculation is now required. Why - If it had a prompt, the errors would not occur as it would save a lot of time trying to retrospectively w...
Zoe Grayson over 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Employees to view bradford factor score in the app, not just desktop

Most of our teams only use the app, so we need them to be able to see their bradford factor score and when they've hit a threshold like they do in the desktop version
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee / Mobile 0 Open for Voting

Leavers' direct report reassignment - make this easier to see, manage and report on

When processing a leaver, there is an option to reassign direct reports to another person. This is great, but there are some improvements that could be made: Show the leaver's manager on the page when asking who to reassign direct reports to, or m...
Holly Reid 3 months ago in Employee 0

Bank details - ability to turn off self service function

It will be useful to have the option of turning off employees being able to update or change their bank details on the system. We do not have a payroll integrated system and it is dangerous for us to have employees using the bank details area to u...
Guest 7 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Being able to view cancelled holiday requests

Would be helpful to see the employee's holiday requests and then when they cancelled the request, especially if it has been cancelled while still in a 'pending' authorisation and no email sent. This would assist with understanding the possibility ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Ability to amend the default timeframe for maternity / paternity leave

Currently when the due date is entered in Maternity / paternity the earliest start date, period of ordinary maternity leave and period of additional maternity leave is automatically calcualted. This does not take in to consideration different lega...
Guest 9 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Remove character restrictions from the employee details capture pop up fields

The details capture pop up is fantastic, but it has a weird quirk that some symbols are restricted from being used, the one that causes issues is '-' being restricted from address fields. Welsh addresses very commonly have dashes, it makes no sens...
Holly Reid 7 months ago in Employee 0

Being able to print Other Events through the planner

in PHR employees can currently only print holiday and sickness records through the Planner. It would be useful for them to print other events too
George Evans 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Other Events leave - show the dot for half day on the employee planner

On the employee planner, add the dot where 'other events' leave is booked for part of the day, same at the 'holiday'.
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Employee / Planner 0 Open for Voting

Return to Work Manager Notifications (include Edit Access Rights Users)

If a manager has not completed the manager section of the return to work tab of a sickness absence, they are not notified or a yellow bar appears on the employee planner. It would be good to see yellow bar for manager and edit access right users i...
Alex Mann 8 months ago in Employee 0