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Holiday Accruals Legal Precedence

Legal requirements for average holiday rates and accruals mean calculations are complex and require system amendments to ensure robust compliance.
Guest 7 days ago in Analytics 0 Open for Voting

Show annual leave/holiday on the analytics dashboard

It would be helpful to see some version of the 'planner' that is available, but a simplified and more accessible version on the analytics dashboard, as soon as you login.
Guest 2 months ago in Analytics 0 Open for Voting

Setting a time schedule for the Missed Clock Report

One of the available requests that can be scheduled within People HR is the 'Missed Clock Reports', but it is set to only run at 8AM each day - why is this, as the report in this state is unusable. We have staff that typically start after 8:30am i...
Jassen Payen 6 months ago in Analytics 0 Open for Voting

Separate sick and holiday hours from weekly basic hours on detailed timesheet

Separate columns containing sick hours and holiday hours would allow distinction between the different types, and reduce workload when calculating and inputting wages. Overtime and Sunday hours are already separated into their own columns, so some...
Guest 4 months ago in Analytics 0 Open for Voting